Why Make Eco Bricks?
1. Interlocking technology saves money, time and increases your productivity
2.Local material-- our block making machines hydraulically compress soil (earth) mixed with cement into
solid blocks.
3.Cost effective production-- our blocks are manufactured with only 10% cement to achieve 7Mpa blocks after
14 days of curing.
4.Cost effective construction-- no burning of blocks-cure for 14 days during site clearance and laying foundation.
5.Speed-- when cured, the soil-cement blocks can be dry-stacked in the superstructure representing as much
as a 30% saving in cost and time.
6.Reduced labor costsinterlocking blocks can be laid 3 times faster than cement blocks therefore less labor
time per house and faster construction.
7.Earth (soil) blocks are thermally efficient reducing energy requirements, cool during warm weather and warm
during cool weather.